About Us


In Goltline the email marketing is a science. There are effective strategies that will assure that the company will reach the greatest number of potential customers.

Marketing Strategy

The global trend is the emergence and popularity of e-commerce. Brand-focused Web retailers that can provide good products, services, information, and the intangible, emotional buy-in by the customer are becoming hugely successful. E-commerce retailers have an advantage in that " traditional retailers, Web-based sellers are not slowed by the friction of store growth and local marketing."

The company will use a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. These are published and marketed through various direct mails sites.

Goltline is focused on the merging/redefined internet marketplace, advertising and promotions for small to medium sized business and consumers. The users will be online users, which will represent approximately 90% of the discretionary income for the company. Goltline can bring these people (the clients) great services, coupled with accessibility and easy connection with the companies who offer the different products or services.